
Where off the beaten track is the general rule and remote is at its core. The breathtaking blend of dramatic fjords, icebergs, glaciers, and deep forests is Alaska’s signature, maybe only topped by the wildlife. Visit unique destinations and hard-to-reach communities of Alaska accessible only by a small ship. Be prepared for an epic journey with us

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A True Frontier

Sail with the pioneers of expedition cruising to stunning Alaska, and explore a true frontier with a rich sense of adventure. Cruise the Aleutian Islands and the Inside passage on world’s most advanced explorer ship

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The Wonders of Nature

Experience vast stretches of wilderness by discovering the land of contrasts where scenery changes from tundra to fjords. Cruise through glaciers flowing among lush virgin rainforests, beautiful fjords, bays, icebergs and mountain ranges – a feast for all your senses

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Amazing Wildlife

Your Expedition Team will help you scout for whales, seals, bears, sea birds and more. Take part in hikes, kayak excursions and activities designed to bring you close to wonders of nature

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Unique Native Culture

We call on remote small indigenous communities and colourful historic towns along the Inside Passage and Gulf of Alaska, to learn about Alaska’s fascinating traditions, unique native culture and history evolved from 11 distinct cultures, speaking 20 different languages