
Discover another world of dramatic beauty and fearless wildlife. There is a continent of stunning, white solitude between you and the South Pole, making Antarctica different from everything you will ever experience. Hardly anyone sails this far south. Hurtigruten ́s superb guides take you closer to the hidden treasures where our expeditions are planned for a travel period in which the cycle of life allows for particularly exciting observations.

Highlights per season

Early Summer


  • Return of the whales
  • Courtship, nest building and egg laying: Adélie, macaroni, king, and chinstrap penguins
  • Birthing: weddell seal, leopard seal
  • Rearing: jackass penguin, elephant seals
  • Big icebergs and untouched snow

Highlights per season

High Summer

December | January

  • Hatching penguin chicks
  • South Georgia baby seals
  • Warmest time and longest days
  • Egg laying and breeding season: wandering albatross
  • Weaning time: antarctic fur seal
  • Breeding season and rearing: Adélie, chinstrap, macaroni, gentoo penguins
  • Big icebergs and untouched snow

Highlights per season

Late Summer

February | March

  • Best access to continental ice
  • Best whale watching period
  • Beautiful sunsets
  • Breeding season : Wandering albatross, Southern giant cape petrel
  • Rearing : Antarctic Fur Seal

Here's how a "typically extraordinary" day on an Antarctic journey with us is like

05:17Polar Sunrise
Polar Sunrise

A spectacular way to start the day. Sunlight breaks over the Antarctic horizon as we warm up with coffee and a delicious breakfast in the top-deck restaurant.

10:00Expedition Team
Expedition Team

The Expedition Team are more than just a collection of experts; they are great teachers and explorers themselves, guiding us on a landing to see the nesting places of rare birdlife.

11:00Close Encounters
Close Encounters

An unforgettable experience. We get up close and personal with penguins in a colony of 10,000. They’re curious and bold, and the pictures are going to be good!

12:30Whale Sighting
Whale Sighting

Out on the observation deck, we may sight the first whale of our journey, breaching the surface just metres from our ship. We talk excitedly about this magical moment over lunch.

14:30RIB safari
RIB safari

We head out on a small boat adventure, passing whales, seals and magnificent icebergs. It is thrilling to be here exploring one of the remotest and most beautiful parts of the planet.


Some of us join an optional excursion to paddle in the company of seals, birds, and penguins. There’s nothing like the feeling of gliding silently in beautiful Antarctic waters.

18:30Lecture on board
Lecture on board

The lecture series given by the Expedition Team deepens our knowledge of where we are. They cover many subjects like history, wildlife, biology and photography.


We’re treated to another fantastic meal to round off an already incredible day. As we eat, we are excited to share our experiences and relive the sights and sounds of this extraordinary world.


We top off our amazing day in Antarctica with an evening of unwinding. Some of us relax with a drink in the bar, while others head to the sauna or Jacuzzi.