
The land of ice and fire, with glaciers and volcanos side by side. Nature here offers stunning landscapes, geysers and impressive waterfalls. The natural contrasts are enhanced by long dark winters and summers lit by the midnight sun. A Iceland cruise is full of surprises with its distinctive natural and cultural character. On your Iceland vacation with us you will encounter unique wildlife, rich culture and breath taking nature.


Best time to Visit

Although it doesn’t get very warm in the summer, with temperatures around 10–13 °C (50–55 °F), the sun lures the wildlife out in the open. Most of Iceland lies beneath the Arctic Circle, but the Midnight Sun shines on through most of the night in June and July, offering visitors many extra hours of daylight for outdoor activities



Landscape of pure adventure

Iceland is not a destination, it’s an adventure! Discover a terrain full of surprises and dramatic contrasts. Explore the surface of a glacier, a surreal lava field, or a black- sand beach, get close to (or even inside) a volcano, rest beside mighty waterfalls, gaze at geysers or soak in hot springs. The exotic geology will make you wonder


Wildlife Paradise

Expect to sight minke and humpback whales feeding and breeding off the Icelandic coast, joined by porpoise, dolphin, and sometimes-spectacular blue whales and orcas. On land, reindeer roam on Eastern Iceland, watched by the native arctic fox. The famed Icelandic horses and sheep graze throughout the island, as we explore by foot on guided hikes


Variety of Birds

Iceland is a great place for birdwatching, thanks to its location in the North Atlantic between North America and Europe. Although you might see species like Arctic Terns, Great Skuas, Harlequin ducks and Golden Plovers, the puffin is arguably Iceland’s most iconic. Approximately 60% of the world’s population (between 8 – 10 million) of Atlantic Puffins live here